This rarely happens.

So it turns out the burning and pain I had in my arm during the last chemo was not vein irritation/superficial phlebitis, but was a leakage of the chemotherapy medication into surrounding tissue in my arm. I am told this rarely happens (only 5-6% of patients experience this)… ARG! C’MON!

I gotta say I am over this.

Watch and wait is probably the most nerve wracking protocol ever. For the past 6 days, I have watched and documented a nasty rash develop on my forearm, hoping that it wouldn’t “ulcerate” (thank god it didn’t). The “extravasation” (leakage of intravenous drugs from the vein into the surrounding tissue) injuries from chemotherapy can be very serious. Today it finally looks like its starting to get a little better. I went in to see Dr. Isaacs and she feels pretty confident it will heal up on it’s own. It is possible it could leave some “cording”, which shows itself as a palpable tight and painful band of tissue (like a cord – hence the name) running down the arm towards the hand (I am really hoping this isn’t the case).

Tomorrow is chemo day #3. Because of the IV injury in the last round, I will be getting a PICC line inserted tomorrow morning. This line will access a larger deeper vein, which will be a safer delivery method for the chemo. I will have to flush this line daily to keep it from getting infected and can’t take a bath with it. I’m saying a little prayer this goes smoothly, doesn’t hurt too bad, and that the next round of chemo is easier than the last.

I might need to send myself to some sort of spa when this is all over.

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23 Responses to This rarely happens.

  1. Eric says:

    Blerg, that’s the wrong 5% to be in. Hope it passes soon.

    When does this round end? And how long will the break be before the next round? How’s your appetite holding up?

    Thinking about you, and sending more pos vibes from Richmond.

    • Alison Q. says:

      Hey There Eric!

      Yea that was some shitty bad luck. This round was over today, then I go back in for an immune boosting shot tomorrow. I usually feel the worst Thurs-Monday after a treatment and then start to gradually get better from there. My next treatment will be Nov.1, so the week right before that will be my best week. In the last round my mouth was irritated and I lost my sense of taste a bit, eating wasn’t as fun. That said, I haven’t lost any weight which is good and my appetite is actually fine.

      Thanks for the continued good vibes, I really think it helps!

      🙂 A

  2. Hobbs says:

    I’m going to punch cancer and chemo, so freakin hard, in the face for you. Hope today is smooth sailing and all goes well! We’re all thinking of you Alison 🙂

    • Alison Q. says:

      This made me smile, thanks Hobbs! Today went pretty smoothly actually! I think the universe decided I could use a little help. 🙂

  3. jennie says:

    HI Alison
    Gosh so sorry about the extravasation.
    Think of you often, sending good energy your way.
    You know where to find me if you need anything kido.
    Jennie T

    • Alison Q. says:

      Thanks Jennie,

      Will be nice to see you again when I’m back at Sibley with Dr. Croog.

      The arm does look like it’s starting to heal, so I hope that trend continues!

      The PICC line went in fine ( I did have some heart fluttering when the wire passed into that electrical area of the heart, it was weird, but it resolved.) The line made today’s chemo a lot easier, meds could be delivered a little quicker, no arm pain, and labs plus the chemo could be drawn/infused into the line, so it wasn’t a multi stick day.

      Love that my nurse navigator extrordonairre checks my blog! 🙂


      • jennie says:

        I am your biggest fan. I was there from the start. I loved when your dad was so happy I set a few people straight. “Jen fixed it!”
        Everytime I organize something like my linen closet you pop into my mind. Look forward to the next phase with Dr. Croog.

  4. Amy Herrick says:

    I resolved after my last post to use no more expletives, really try to follow your impressive example and express myself more eloquently and constructively. But this is F”#$”#%ing unbelievable!!! Girl- you need to start playing the lottery, because your number keeps on coming up with bizarre frequency and it’s time to put that tweak of fate to good use!

    I am so glad to hear that yesterday went smoothly and than the line made things easier for you. Keep on getting these milestones behind you!! xxoo Amy

    • Alison Q. says:

      I think you are right Amy, I’m going to grab a lottery ticket, I think I’m due for some good luck here soon! I say keep the expletives flowing goddamit! 😉 XOXOX Love to you. Love, Al

  5. Liz says:

    That sounds so awful– I hope it gets better, and I hope all this chemo will be over SOON. Wish I could come by and visit but I am afraid of the germs I would most likely bring you. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help! Liz R.

    • Alison Q. says:

      Thanks Liz! I see the light at the end of the tunnel! Phew! Yea I am keeping myself away from germs as best as I can right now, but I should be back on track by mid-ish Nov. Can’t wait to see everyone! ~A

  6. Kim B says:

    Jeez, Al!!! You’ve got to be kidding me!! That rash is unbelievable, hope it doesn’t hurt as much as it looks like it might – and glad to see that it’s healing (to be honest I couldn’t really tell in which photos it was healing, but I’ll take your word for it!).

    AAAAANNNNNDDDDDD…. since I have been looking for the perfect thing to bring you, or send you, etc you just gave me a GREAT idea. When you’re feeling better and up for it, let me know and I will treat you to a massage or a facial or a mani/pedi – whatever you want!! And that gives you something to look forward to!!

    Hope this next round is/has gone smoothly for you. Think about you often!

    • Alison Q. says:

      Thanks Kim! I would love to get a mani/pedi with you and YES, that will give me something to look forward to! I know I can’t get them during chemo, but I will find out when I’m in the clear. You Breisacher’s sure are nice! XOXO, Al

  7. Jamie GP says:

    “Some kind of spa when this is all over” is probably the understatement of the year. Hang in there.

  8. Andrea says:

    Yowza, that rash looks very angry. I’m so sorry you keep getting the rarest of side effects! You really are special…
    Forget about the local spas…Maybe we can plan a trip to Canyon Ranch when this is over?!? Or the Saratoga mineral baths at the very least.
    I wish my 1st grade germs weren’t keeping me away. Miss you buddy!

  9. Beth says:

    Can I get in on the DOM retreat? Al-miss you- I need another blow off work hang session when you’re up for it.

    • Alison Q. says:

      Beth, You know you play tambourine for DOM, you are in. Yea, ditch work and come hang out with me one day! 🙂

  10. Anna says:

    I will personally start an Alison Q is Kick-Ass and Deserves A Spa Day fund. You just say the word. Really missing you today and wishing I could pop over just to sit with you and sip some warm apple cider. Sending you lots of healing vibes all the way from Nashville.

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