Starting radiation.

I started radiation with Dr. Victoria Croog at Sibley on Dec. 5. I go there every day (M-F) for a 3:15 apt. and I’m usually out in about an hour. This will continue through the third week in January.

So far, so good, just minor skin irritation and a little stiffness in my arm. I am supposed to be focusing on exercising and stretching regularly. I started a yoga class that I love, but it’s just once a week on Sundays. I’m going to start back up at the UMD gym 3-4 times a week, I just haven’t been quite motivated enough to start.

Dr. Croog and others I have talked to said the treatments can cause fatigue and that exercise can help. For some patients the fatigue is more pronounced and can last for months after treatment, but others breeze through. I am hoping I breeze through!

Here I am at Sibley before round 3 radiation. You can see my hair is starting to grow back in. This is a good angle because you can’t see the bald spots in the back. More reports on the hair to come…


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8 Responses to Starting radiation.

  1. Beth says:

    You look beautiful. This is a great picture.

  2. Alison Q. says:

    Thanks BB!

  3. Amanda K says:

    Way hotter than Sigourney Weave in Alien!!!!!!!!!!

  4. Dede says:

    You look beautiful because you ARE beautiful. Even though going through this has been terrible in parts, your writing has given the journey such poignancy and grace – and a kind of beauty, really. Like an oak. A powerful oak. I am sending you love, Al.

  5. Alison Q. says:

    Thanks Dede! Love you.

  6. John M. Reich says:

    Alison, I had 40 radiation treatments over an 8 week period, totaling (I think) approximately 78 Gy. (1 Gy = 100 rads), albeit in a different location than your radiation. Fortunately, I had zero fatigue issues and no skin irritation issues. I hope you have a similar experience! Inch by inch you are working your way thru this, and one day you’ll be thru with it! All the best!


    • Alison Q. says:

      Thanks John, unfortunately looks like I won’t be spared the skin irritation (check out my next post, ak!), but you are right I am making my way through it!

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